Valuable Web Site Links

Click on the topic of choice below to view the website links.

Lifestyle                    Career                    Philanthropy


Third Age Inc.

Useful lifestyle, career and retirement resources.

This site is focused exclusively on serving the needs of midlife adults — generally those in their 40s, 50s and 60s. Their vision is “to rewrite the rules of getting older and transform the voice of aging from one of limitation to one of possibility”. Inspired by the French term “Troisième Âge,” ThirdAge refers to the concept of lifelong learning, self-development and fulfillment, and the period of life following young adulthood, yet preceding “seniorhood” and retirement. A time of life characterized by vital living, freedom, personal growth and enrichment.

Next Avenue

A service of select PBS stations around the country providing information to meet the challenges and see the opportunities that lie ahead for the 50+ community.


Community resources for aging adults long term care.

This site is a great place to get familiar with the options and resources available to you regarding long term housing and care. is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses and other loved ones. We have been featured by AARP, The Administration for Community Living, The National Legal Resource Center, and Forbes.

Sounds True

Inspirational books, CDs and videos.

Sounds True mission is to disseminate spiritual wisdom. From the world’s major spiritual traditions and the arts and humanities, they offer CDs by the leading authors, teachers, and experts of our times. These meditations offer useful tools to center the mind and body..


With longer, healthier life spans and a downturn in the economy many of us will be looking for new, engaging directions for the active years ahead instead of dreaming about “retiring” from productive activities.
Retirement in the old sense is obsolete. In its place there is a newly-evolving definition of work…meaningful activities that contribute to YOU AND your employer, your community, and/or your family.

The following resources provide useful information to help you explore new directions for paid and unpaid work that can also bring personal meaning and create positive social impact.

New Ways to Work

New Ways to Work’s mission is to support individuals and organizational leaders in understanding the changes in the American workplace and how best to adapt in order to ensure success.  Carleen MacKay’s insightful blogs and resources will help you focus on and reach your 50+ worklife goals.  Be sure to check out her Free eBook,  “New Ways to Work”.

Tools and job listings for people over 50.  It includes both paid and volunteer positions.

Career Shift

This site is a full service job search site with job listings and access to contact information for millions of companies. Free services plus a monthly fee-based services for confidential career search support.

Encore Careers

Encore provides inspiration for finding work that matters in the second half of life. Includes resources for work that combines personal fulfillment, social impact and continued income or meaningful volunteer engagement, enabling people to put their passion to work for the greater good.

LinkedIn Network

Networking is an essential activity in any job search. This is one of the largest professional/career-oriented networking sites. If you haven’t done so yet, sign up and begin building an on-going, active network that you can tap to explore new career directions, research companies, and obtain introductions to individuals in the industries and companies you target. Offers free as well as subcription-based networking tools.

Workforce 50

This website provides free and low cost membership access to job listings and career opportunities with companies most-suited to older workers. The site targets active, productive, conscientious, mature adults seeking a job or project that matches their lifestyle. Search by zip code for opportunities to supplement your income or find a new career challenge.

Specialized Career Sites

Be sure to check the web for sites that are focused on the unique industries you are targeting. Here are a few for the newly emerging Green Market:

News and trends in Green business and the environment. Job listings nation-wide.

Connecting people seeking
jobs that focus on environmental and social responsibility with available opportunities and resources.




GuideStar for Donors

With so many nonprofits in America, how can you determine which are legitimate organizations that deserve your support? GuideStar is a free search tool available for users/donors who want to verify a nonprofit’s legitimacy, learn whether a contribution will be tax deductible, view a nonprofit’s recent Forms 990, or find out more about its mission, programs, and finances. A free version is available for the general public and an expanded version is available for professional users, from financial firms to philanthropic foundations

Charity Navigator

Founded in 2001, Charity Navigator has become the nation’s largest and most-utilized evaluator of charities. In their quest to help donors, their team of professional analysts has examined tens of thousands of non-profit financial documents. As a result, they know as much about the true fiscal operations of charities as anyone. They’ve used this knowledge to develop an unbiased, objective, numbers-based rating system to assess the financial health of over 5,000 of America’s best-known charities.

Check their “Tips” page for insightful, practical tips and resources to guide your intelligent giving.  This is useful guidance for checkbook donations as well as larger scale charitable giving.

Giving Circles

Throughout history, passionate individuals have joined together to make life better in their communities. Today, thousands of donors pool their money, energy, and ideas to create giving circles.  Learn how to you and your friends can make a difference in your community or elsewhere in the world through your joint efforts..

Kiva Person-to-Person MicroLending

Want to make a difference in the developing world by making a loan directly to entrepreneurs in the developing world? The people you see on Kiva’s site are real individuals in need of funding – not marketing material. You browse entrepreneurs’ profiles on the site, choose someone to lend to, and then make a loan, helping a real person make great strides towards economic independence and improve life for themselves, their family, and their community. Throughout the course of the loan (usually 6-12 months), you can receive email journal updates and track repayments. Then, when you get your loan money back, you can relend to someone else in need.

Leave A Legacy

Leave A Legacy is a public awareness campaign focused on inspiring people from all walks of life and income levels to thing beyond their lifespan when doing good works.  The site will expand your thinking to consider how you can continue to impact your favorite charity or cause when you are no longer here..through a will or estate plan.  You can also find a planned giving council in your geographic area from this site.

Let me know which of these resources you find of particular valuable for your situation. I also welcome your comments or questions about any of the information featured on my site. If you have a resource you would like to add, please contact me.


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