Mary Radu

Mary Radu

Certified Life Coach and Philanthropy Consultant for Midlife Positive Change

Transforming Uncertainty and Confusion into Choice and Courageous Action

My mission is to support and guide my clients to live meaningfully at this point in their lives and inspire them to be positive change makers.

As a Coach since 2002, I’ve assisted hundreds of individuals and couples to become the “Pathmaker” of their own lives. In addition to life and career coaching, I also focus on philanthropy, guiding my clients to become more effective and fulfilled as they consciously use their time and resources to “give back and make an impact” in the world.

One of the greatest joys in my life is supporting people to discover and share their unique gifts.  My vision for myself and my clients is simple: Find what’s truly meaningful to you during your brief stay here on earth and make this planet a better place because of your contribution. I believe when we are supported to act from that which we truly value we each have the potential to create amazing positive impacts in our own lives and for the people we touch.

My own life transitions have led me be a “pathmaker” through 28 years in the fields of human services, manufacturing, health care and information technology. I have held training, program development, management and consulting roles. I’ve developed a successful health care consulting business as well as my current coaching and consulting practice. I’ve lived the ups and downs of adult life including career and lifestyle changes, divorce, caring for aged parents, and discovering the right opportunities for me to “give back”. This combination of experiences adds to my professional qualifications and gives me the knowledge, skills and compassion to effectively guide my clients to discover their own energizing choices and support them to walk their unique path.

I’m known as a coach who is compassionate and encouraging, collaborative and strategic, intuitive and trustworthy. I help you get clear on what you want in your life and develop a strategic plan to guide your actions. When you forget what’s important, I will remind you of your values and hold you to your vision and your goals. When you experience successes, I’ll be there to celebrate with you.

Mary & Rich

Dreaming Does Create a New Reality

“My passion is transforming the uncertainties of career and midlife change into a discovery of choices and courageous action. I believe when we are supported to act from that which we truly value we can create miracles in our lives and for the people we touch.”  Listen to Mary and Rich’s story.


Education and Certification

  • BA in Sociology/Psychology, Westminster College
  • MS in Planning and Community Development and Masters of Social Work (MSW), Case Western Reserve University
  • Certified Professional CoActive Coach, Coach Training Institute (CTI)
  • Continuing Coaching Education, International Coaching Federation (ICF)

Professional Affiliations

I abide by the Code of Ethics of the International Coaching Federation

  • International Coaching Federation (ICF), including participation in Special Interest Groups related to Career and Third Age/Retirement
  • Life Planning Network
    • In my leadership roles I am the Founder and 10-year General Chairperson for the Northern California Life Planning Network, as well as 2 1/2 years as past Vice President for the National Life Planning Network, a diverse community of professionals helping people navigate the second half of life.
  • The Transition Network

 Personal Profile

Mary's peachesI work from my home on Rusty Gate Farm in West Sonoma County, CA which I share with my husband, Rich and our trusty cats Max and Luna. Rich grows Albarino grapes destined for wine and for the past 9 years have been the Peach Lady, in charge of harvesting and selling peach from our 90-tree orchard. Gardening is one of my passions. I love watching the bulbs break through the ground announcing Spring. And it’s such a pleasure to eat my freshly-picked tomatoes, warmed by the sun. Latin dance and NIA classes are my favorite form of exercise. I am a member of Impact 100 Redwood Circle, where over 200 Sonoma County women bring the power of our collective giving to address critical needs in the county. I have served as co-chair of Impact’s Community Grants Committee, recrafting the committee’s direction after the 2017 fires that struck the county. As homelessness grows in our county I have found opportunities to help directly and with planning efforts to provide for the basic needs of this vulnerable population. As our family has been effected by Parkinson’s disease I have provided consulting services to the Parkinson’s Support Group Sonoma County Board. My prior volunteer activities include six years as a CASA child advocate representing children under the protection of the juvenile court. Rich and I also love spending time in the vibrant city of San Francisco and traveling internationally.